Suitable for advanced speakers (C1 and C2) who would like homework between classes.

There will be a different topic each week and you will need to prepare before the class. You’ll be asked to read a text and/or watch a video. Videos will be on YouTube so please make sure you are able to access this.

The topics will be focused on contemporary issues with an emphasis on elements of British culture. Topics in the last block included: the Loch Ness monster, British drinking culture, mudlarking, outdoor swimming, the royal family and more

Classes will be recorded so you can rewatch and ask me any clarifying questions after the session in our private Telegram group.

Maximum 6 per class.

Fridays 4-5pm UK time

First class is Friday 26th April at 4pm

No class on 31st May

Final class is Friday 5th July

If you would like a (free) chat with me about whether this class is right for you, please book here